How to launch ARM aarch64 VM with QEMU from scratch

The below instructions will allow for bringing up an ARM VM from scratch. To launch an aarch64 VM we first need to install a few dependencies, including QEMU and the qemu-efi-aarch64 package, which includes the efi firmware. apt-get install qemu-system-arm apt-get install qemu-efi-aarch64 apt-get install qemu-utils Create the flash images with the correct sizes. dd if=/dev/zero of=flash1.img bs=1M count=64 dd if=/dev/zero of=flash0.img bs=1M count=64 dd if=/usr/share/qemu-efi-aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd of=flash0.img conv=notrunc Create a dedicated directory (folder) on your host system to contain this virtual machine. Download the latest  “Virtual” ISO file for…


阶段和人物关系整理 罗季昂·罗曼内奇·拉斯柯尔尼科夫(昵称罗佳,罗季卡) 大学生 普尔赫莉雅·亚历山大罗芙娜·拉斯柯尔尼科娃 拉斯柯尔尼科夫的母亲 阿芙朵嘉·罗曼诺芙娜(昵称杜尼雅,杜涅奇卡) 拉斯柯尔尼科夫的妹妹 德米特利·普罗科菲伊奇·符拉祖米欣(简称拉祖米欣) 大学生,拉斯柯尔尼科夫的同学 谢敏·扎哈洛维奇·玛尔美拉朵夫 退职九品文官 卡捷莉娜·伊凡诺芙娜 玛尔美拉朵夫的妻子 索菲雅·谢敏诺芙娜·玛尔美拉朵娃(昵称索尼雅,索涅奇卡) 玛尔美拉朵夫的女儿 波丽娜(昵称波莉卡,波连卡,波丽雅) 卡捷莉娜与前夫生的长女 阿辽娜·伊凡诺芙娜 放高利贷的老太婆 丽扎维达·伊凡诺芙娜 阿辽娜的妹妹 阿尔卡吉·伊凡诺维奇·斯维德利盖洛夫 地主 玛尔法·彼得罗芙娜·斯维德利盖洛娃 斯维德利盖洛夫的妻子 彼得·彼得罗维奇·卢仁律师 杜尼雅的未婚夫 安德烈·谢敏诺维奇·列别齐亚特尼科夫 卢仁的朋友 普拉斯科维雅·巴甫洛芙娜(昵称巴宪卡) 拉斯柯尔尼科夫的女房东 娜斯达霞(昵称娜斯达西尤希卡) 女仆 阿玛丽雅·伊凡诺芙娜·里普威赫节尔 玛尔美拉朵夫家的女...

Understanding the LLVM Compiler

Components of LLVM: LLVM is designed with a three-phase architecture: Frontend, Middle-end, and Backend. Each component plays a crucial role in translating high-level source code into machine-executable code, while allowing modularity and optimizations across different languages and architectures. 1. Frontend The frontend is responsible for: Parsing the high-level source code (written in languages like C, C++, Rust, etc.). Checking for syntax and semantic correctness. Generating the LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR), which is an abstract, platform-independent code representation. Key Processes in the Frontend: Lexical Analysis (Tokenization): The source code is broken into meaningful chunks called tokens (e.g.,…


1、数据冒险 数据相关有四种,分别是RAR、WAR、WAW、RAW。其中“RAR”不会影响指令的执行,所以提数据相关的时候一般忽略,而WAR、WAW、RAW的重要差别就出在“数据依赖”上。“WAR”和“WAW”这两种数据相关其实没有数据依赖,即发生冒险的指令之间其实没有数据流动,通过寄存器重命名就可以消除冒险。“RAW”冒险则无法解决,因为后序指令读取的数据由前序指令算得,这个过程有明确的数据依赖。 2、Tomasulo算法 Tomasulo是计算机硬件架构的一种指令动态调度算法,其通过寄存器重命名消除了假数据冒险,提高了机器的乱序性能。Tomasulo算法的调度分为三个步骤:发射、执行、写回。 Tomasulo算法的实现结构 发射:Tomasulo算法是顺序发射的,即指令按照程序中的顺序一条接一条被发射到保留站。判断能否发射的唯一标准是指令对应通路的保留站是否有空余位置,只要保留站有空余,就可以把指令发射到保留站中。周期结束时会更新保留站和寄存器结果状态表,如果指令有可以读取的数据,就会立刻拷贝到保留站中;寄存器结果状态表中总是存有最新的值,即如果后...

Presentation Template

较为规范的报告纲要 报告文档应包含三个部分: 1)论文(介绍自己的工作时可以缺或是草稿) 2)PPT 3)作为对PPT的补充的论文阅读笔记 报告内容应大致包括: 0)相关信息:哪一年哪个会,作者、research group, 及affiliation 1)工作意义:试图解决什么问题?这个问题有多大意义?(宏观上,这项project能解决什么棘手的问题?) 2)相关工作:针对这一或相似问题,(最近)有哪些(其它的)有关的工作,解决到什么地步,仍然存在的困难分别是什么?(具体地,为什么这个想法就可能能解决某些问题?) 3)基本设想:为什么这样就(可能)可以(部分)解决问题?(例如:如果我能得到XX,就能分析出YY,进而计算出ZZ,……) 4)技术思路:具体的设计方法和工作步骤,需要哪些基础工具,怎样实现?最大的困难在哪儿? 5)评价方法:首先,回头看看,最初提出的问题/目标有没有解决/达成;其次,此问题的解决技术常用的评价方法是什么?有没有公认的benchmark或testbed,准备如何给出结论? 6)总结,并有没有进一步的设想。 无论是介绍别人的proj...

RISC-V simulation with Qemu

Installation of Qemu On the Qemu website, you can find a lot of information on how to get it running. But for the specific purpose of this tutorial, a few important extra steps are needed. In order to use the user mode simulation, your host system must be Linux. I recommend installing from source as described on this  using configure with --target-list= riscv32-linux-user,riscv64-linux-user, riscv32-softmmu,riscv64-softmmu as a configuration. I assume you have a RV toolchain running, if not,  is how. User-Mode The simplest way of getting an environment for RV programming is…

Installing & Building RISC-V Toolchain

Prerequisites Several standard packages are needed to build the toolchain $ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 python3-pip libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev ninja-build git cmake libglib2.0-dev libslirp-dev Create a directory and clone $ mkdir ~/riscv && cd ~/riscv $ git clone Configure and make $ mkdir /opt/riscv $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv $ make linux Your tool will be available on /opt/riscv/bin Add /opt/riscv/bin to PATH Edit the ~/.bashrc file $ sudo vim ~/.bashrc Add below at the end of the file and…

The Hack@DAC Story: Learnings from Organizing the World’s Largest Hardware Hacking Competition

Computing Stack Challenges Observed During Offensive Security Research at Intel Awareness of Hardware Common Weaknesses [CONCEPTS] Security-Aware Design Automation [TOOLS] "Shift-Left" to Detect & Fix Bugs in RTL [BEST PRACTICES] 1. Limited Awareness of HW Security Weaknesses 2. Need for Security-Aware Design Automation Tools 3. Need to Detect/Fix Bugs at RTL Design Phase SW bugs fixed with patches HW bugs are complicated to fix Time consuming Expensive Cause brand damage System on a Chip(Soc) Data Confidentiality Protect secrets from unauthorized access Data Integrity Protect data modification by untrusted…

Personal Statement

天赋,与生俱来; 幸运,不期而遇; 努力,宁缺毋滥! Art is never finished, only abandoned! Let life be beautiful like summer flowers, and death like autumn leaves!

Code Is Poetry

There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. Don't believe in any of this fate crap! You're in control of your own life, remember? Abracadabra!