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较为规范的报告纲要 报告文档应包含三个部分: 1)论文(介绍自己的工作时可以缺或是草稿) 2)PPT 3)作为对PPT的补充的论文阅读笔记 报告内容应大致包括: 0)相关信息:哪一年哪个会,作者、research group, 及affiliation 1)工作意义:试图解决什么问题?这个问题有多大意义?(宏观上,这项project能解决什么棘手的问题?) 2)相关工作:针对这一或相似问题,(最近)有哪些(其它的)有关的工作,解决到什么地步,仍然存在的困难分别是什么?(具体地,为什么这个想法就可能能解决某些问题?) 3)基本设想:为什么这样就(可能)可以(部分)解决问题?(例如:如果我能得到XX,就能分析出YY,进而计算出ZZ,……) 4)技术思路:具体的设计方法和工作步骤,需要哪些基础工具,怎样实现?最大的困难在哪儿? 5)评价方法:首先,回头看看,最初提出的问题/目标有没有解决/达成;其次,此问题的解决技术常用的评价方法是什么?有没有公认的benchmark或testbed,准备如何给出结论? 6)总结,并有没有进一步的设想。 无论是介绍别人的project,还是讲自己的idea/project,基本上都是应该明确按照上述的思路讲,不要试图跳步骤。 by 茅兵老师

RISC-V simulation with Qemu Installation of Qemu On the Qemu website, you can find a lot of information on how to get it running. But for the specific purpose of this tutorial, a…

Installing & Building RISC-V Toolchain Prerequisites Several standard packages are needed to build the toolchain $ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 python3-pip libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo…

Personal Statement 天赋,与生俱来; 幸运,不期而遇; 努力,宁缺毋滥! Art is never finished, only abandoned! Let life be beautiful like summer flowers, and death like autumn leaves!

Code Is Poetry There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. Don't believe in any of this fate crap! You're in control of your own life, remember? Abracadabra!

Modern Zen Poem To follow the path:look to the master,follow the master,walk with the master,see through the master,become the master.

How To Become A Hacker The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved. No problem should ever have to be solved twice. Boredom and drudgery are evil. Freedom is good. Attitude…

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